Proper Golf

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Deep Trench

Mi amigos "Flaco Trackhoe" and Joel

Above is picture I took from the high side of drain that will connect one catch basin around the back of a green, under irrigation, under a road and into a bigger catch basin. Clearly the trench was very deep, but in order to keep the pitch, we had to go very deep through the mounding used to build up the green and bunker.

Some things we did to make it easier/keep it safe:
  • Found all the irrigation that we would be near or digging under, and exposed the pipe by hand.
  • Used a bigger bucket than normal
  • Lowered and flattened (it was a severe left/right slope) to keep the trench from going above head level and make it easier/more comfortable for the operator
  • Kept spoils well clear of trench and on downhill side to prevent cave-ins and to help balance out my machine as we went along
  • Rotated the machine one the mounding was crested so the dozer blade was always on the downhill side

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Some recent shots from work, Banks Renovation

I've been spending most of my time on the renovation of 9 holes originally designed by Charles Banks. We are on Phase 2 of 4 with the other 27 holes originally designed by Donald Ross.

Banks #1 "Punchbowl"

view from left approach:
some sod has already been stripped by hand

view from left:
More sod is being stripped by hand and now with trackhoe helping. You can see the truck is loaded and on our plywood haul road to minimize damage

View from back corner of bunker:
Sand has been removed and the drainage has been installed. Some de-thatching has begun as well as re-topsoiling. No major reshaping is taking place, although some edges will be adjusted and sand will be more visible.

View from haul road:
The backside has been prepped from sod, the edging is being finished by hand and the extra topsoil is being loaded out for safe keeping.

View from approach:
ready for sod

Banks #6 "Alps" (right greenside bunker)

View from front:
Some minor re-shaping on the front edge to make sand more visible. Top soil has already been removed on the right, cut is being made on the lighter brown soil, and shiny soil left is untouched grade ready for de-thatching and re-sodding

View from front:
Subgrade has been reshaped, ready for topsoil and finish grade.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Formulaic Bunkers

Lets debunk some bunker myths, "rules", architectural theory, whatever...

  • Bunkers are hazards.
  • There should never be hard fast rules about the shapes of bunkers.
  • It is not written in stone that sand must be visible.
  • There is no such thing as a "fair bunker".
  • Building every bunker so its easier to get out from the side nearest the target and harder from more offline positions is boring and doesn't add anything to the game.... Golf is not fair.
  • Bunkers require drainage, natural and most often built.
  • Bunkers require maintenance, both raking and mowing (which can get very complicated depending on shapes/slopes/machines).
  • There is nothing formulaic about naturally existing landscapes or linksland where golf originated, why should built bunkers require a formula to play the same game?
Which version of the same hole do you like better?